Club 2024 cropped small

AustalopersNewLogoAustralopers Orienteering Club is located in southern Tasmania.  It is the largest club in Tasmania and one of the most competitively successful in Australia.  At the 2018, 2019 and 2024 Australian 3 Day carnivals, Australopers were the proud winners of the Australian Champion Club.

Australopers also prides itself on being a club which values the fun and social side of orienteering.  It is a family oriented club which looks after its members and ensures newcomers are welcomed. Club members range in age from 8 to 88 and cover all levels from beginner to expert.  Club meetings are held monthly at members’ houses. They are open to all members and feature a monthly theme  and "bring a plate" socialising. We also offer weekly training sessions which are open to all members. For more information please contact the Club Secretary - Robyn Chapman

Next Club meeting: Thursday November 21, 7 Miley Place, Mornington.

2024 Australopers Events

If you have any issues with your allocated events please contact Sally Wayte

2024 AL Volunteer Roster



 President:  Mike Calder  0448 566 157
 Secretary:  Robyn Chapman  0409447083
 Treasurer:  Julian Roscoe   0418123459

Other Office Bearers

Equipment:  Bert Elson
Sportident: Kate Lucas and Rohan Wolfe
Selectors:   Jo Mitchell and Sue Hancock   
Membership:  Geoff Powell
Volunteer Support: Sally Wayte
Eventor:   Jeff Dunn
MPIO:  Sue Hancock


Past Australopers Newsletters

President's Report for 2023

Treasurer's Report for 2023

Australopers Club Song

The Australopers Orienteering Club is supported by the Tasmanian Government

ABN: 46987977892    Incorporation number:  IA09515