
The AGM will be on Saturday 8/3 at 5pm at the Bayside Hotel. The annual report will be presented along with a call for nominations. Followed by dinner if you wish to stay on.

We are seeking nominations for the Orienteering Tasmania board for three positions:

1 x Office bearer - President

2 x Directors

This is an exciting opportunity to help our community and shape the future of orienteering in Tasmania.

A full board has at least 8 members, and they are all volunteers doing their best with the time they have available - so don’t feel as if you have to change the world with your presence; the rest of the board will be glad to hear what you have to offer in whatever way you can. We generally meet once every 4-6 weeks, usually in the evenings, with a mixture of face-to-face and via google meet. If you have a particular interest or strength in administrative activity or a coordinating role, or if you love analysing data, then we’d be glad for you to join us.

To be eligible to stay on the Board you will need to have a current Working With Vulnerable People ‘volunteer’ registration (if you don’t already have it, OT will reimburse the cost of your application). If you’d like to know more about what a role on the Board entails, chat with a past or current board member https://tasorienteering.asn.au/resources/contacts-main

or check out our constitution https://tasorienteering.asn.au/resources/operational-manual